Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Did you complete all the stages of this TED Ed talk? About how heavy is air inside the IT Centre? Can you think of an experiment to prove your hypothesis?

Exploring MS Paint

Rooms 2 and 17 play and learn with paint.
Next :
We are going to learn how to draw cartoon animals.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Getting behind our team - Go Kiwi's!

We have shared this on the NZ Olympic Team facebook page and I have messaged Chanel Kavanagh (judo team member) on her facebook so she can pass it on to the rest of the team. Others such as my daughter Meghan have shared it on facebook so I'm confident that our message will be through to the team.

Supporting our Commonwealth Games Team

Movie Making Time
Create a short movie using an ipad to encourage our New Zealand Judo team to do well. Chose one athlete form the team and create a special message to them. Make it short, snapping and energetic.
Link to team:

Once complete we will put all the individual clips together using movie maker. We will also do a whole class clip to add on at the end. Once done we will upload to youtube and share with New Zealand Judo.

logo Glasgow_2014

Monday, July 21, 2014


  • How, where, and why the Commonwealth Games began;
  • How often the games are held;
  • Who decides where the games will be held;
  • Does the Commonwealth Games have an oath, motto, and creed like the Olympic Games;
  • A description of the Queen's baton and what it means;
  • Information about the Queen's baton relay such as where it starts its journey and how it travels;
  • The differences between the Olympic and commonwealth games;
  • What prizes are awarded to the athletes;
  • When and where the next Commonwealth games are to be held.


Glasgow 2014
Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand
Commonwealth Games Federation Commonwealth Games News Site


Thursday, July 17, 2014

TEDEd - For teachers and students

I am planning to use TED Ed with my students this term.

What is TED Ed?
Simply put TED Ed is a new platform through which teachers can build short lessons around short videos that have been given the TED stamp of approval.

It's an excellent tool for flipping your classroom. I'm planning to use lessons others have created, use youtube videos to create my own customised lessons and create at least one video that I will use TED-Ed to make a lesson aound it.

Directly from the TED-Ed Website:
"TED-Ed is a free educational website for teachers and learners. We are a global and interdisciplinary initiative with a commitment to creating lessons worth sharing. Our approach to education is an extension of TED’s mission of spreading great ideas. 
Within the growing TED-Ed video library, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators nominated through the TED-Ed platform. This platform also allows users to take any useful educational video, not just TED's, and easily create a customized lesson around the video. Users can distribute the lessons, publicly or privately, and track their impact on the world, a class, or an individual student."

Watch this video to find out how to use TED-Ed: 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Intro to Skype in the Classroom

This term I'm going to try out Skype in the classroom. Some of the possiblities we could explore are; meeting up with classrooms from another countries, taking part in a cultural exchange with another classroom, being involved in a collaborative project and inviting a guest speakers to share with us their passions and expertiences. I have made the first step and signed up as a teacher. My students will guide me as to where to next by commenting on this blog post. Teachers and students from rooms 12 and 13 please make your suggestions.

If you are interested in knowing more about this watch the videos below:

Skype in the Classroom
Twiiter link Skype Classroom @SkypeClassroom