My Profile

Hi my name is James I'm a husband and dad. My wife is a primary school teacher and judo player (currently yellow belt and raising fast). Of my four children three are still at High School. All are unique individuals with special talents and passions. I'm very proud of them. 

I have been teaching primary school for the past 20 years and I feel I have reached about a brown belt so still plenty to learning to go!     
I am still as passionate about teaching and learning as I was when I first started teaching.
Over the last few years I have been specializing in teaching ICT and providing IT support for my two schools. I am skilled as a computer technician and network administrator.
However my strengths are in management and strategic planning of IT within education. 

Currently I am interested in leadership, curriculum development and integration of ICT, the impact of e-learning on children and adults, student levels of engagement, global collaboration within learning communities, the concept of schools becoming communities for learning, emerging technologies such as robotics, professional learning networks, learning theories and frameworks.           

James Robson
Hibiscus Coast
New Zealand