Thursday, June 25, 2015

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

All Hail the Mighty Kick Wall!

Well done to Miss Smythe and the Kicking Wall Group. Great effort and result!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Make Learning Count

1. You have to know what you want of your life before you become a master learner. If you don’t know what your goals are or dream life should look like, you don’t know WHAT to learn and, worse, you won’t be COMMITTED to truly learning it. Advanced learning requires clear focus and a definitive WHY for learning - without these you won’t stay disciplined enough to learn anything with real depth.

2. Avoid starting from scratch. With no model to begin from - no example or strategy you are following - you’re reinventing the wheel and doomed to waste time. So, what proven framework, person, strategy, or step-by-step instruction are you following in order to learn this new area?

3. Make a PRACTICE of mastering skillsets. A practice is a recurring habit or routine that deepens your skill in any given area. The important thing here is to make a daily practice of anything you truly want to learn. Without daily exposure and immersion in the area you are trying to learn you will never achieve mastery. Learning must be an everyday discipline.

4. Get feedback. As you begin something new, all leaps forward, all major advancement, rests on getting immediate feedback and direction. Learning is a social process, so ask other people for suggestions and direction as you move forward so you can adjust your approach. Don't listen to the haters, but never forget their can be valuable feedback from others even if you don't like how they delivered it.

5. Have a deadline. Without a timeline for developing your competencies, you’ll never act or you’ll fall off track. No deadline means guaranteed distraction. So, WHEN do you need to learn this new topic or reach the next level of skill? What’s the consequence if you don’t learn it by then? Knowing the answer to these two questions will accelerate your learning.

I'd like to teach the world to code! [collaboration]

Did you know you could embed your Scratch Projects on your blog post? Or any website for that matter. This is a cool project promoting Scratch. The original project was the idea of Mitch Resnick and it started off with just  the tune and words. This remix is a fantastic collaboration and really brings the project to life. Once the project is loaded click the green flag!  

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Co:Writer Universal

Teach for Google Overview

I try out the free courses and report back soon. Should be interesting.

Do Ink Green Screen Basics

We are planing a green screen wall in the library entry this year. Here is a iPad app that will be great to try out when the wall is done. Enjoy the tutorial. Do Ink is a cool app a must download on our iPads.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Voicemail - Westlake Boys Choir

The Westlake Boys Choir known as the voicemale choir came to FHS today. This choir is conducted by Mr David Squire. They performed 3 pieces. The first piece they played was a Hungarian Soldier song. This song was all about a young soldier writing to his beloved wife. This soldier was described to be angry. In this piece the trumpet was played and also the drum was played. I gave this song a 9/10. The next song they preformed was about Christmas but not a song like Rudolf the red nose reindeer that we knew it was a new song to me about the angels when they where looking at Jesus and their golden light shining down on him. This song to me sounded like a lullaby, it was beautiful. So I have given it also a 9/10. The final song they sung was a song that had been written by a previous member of the voicemale choir. This students name was Robbie Ellis. The song was about a Howler Monkey. This was a very full on song that gave me lots of information about those particular monkeys. I learnt that they live in Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and Mexico. I gave this song a 10/10.

Later this year the voicemale choir are going to be performing at the town hall, competing in a concert called The Big Sing. In this choir the song I enjoyed the most was the Howler Monkey song as it was about an animals and I love animals. Also it taught me many facts as stated above and finally it was very full on and it kept me interested. The thing about this choir that I loved was how they had different melodies. Some where high and some where low.

Overall this was a spectacular performance that I found super entertaining and interesting.

Taken from Ella's Blog  Tuesday 26th May
